Kenwood L-7T

Kenwood-turnern 7T, or L-077 ", is compared with the stem stage L-07C a similar
formulated device but however a near of light glaring play — the long
reconciliation the scale and the two indicators shines with a clear light. as
one has big practical good of then one places the recipient on top of the dark
Tunern does not come
clearlily in something else carrying out than the as matches other
L-komponenters; the points on that one from the producer's side surely meager
thought itself other queue pair some categories than the brand's own, since the
whole design with tripod paste-up front and profilerade ursparingar does not fit
together with something else in device road.
Tunern has the in
Japanese and USA common, the broad reconciliation area 88 — 108 MHz. and the
scale is clear with good etching on figures and scale dashes. The precision is
not measured but seems fullily reliable compared with well-known reference
receivers (±100-200 kilohertz).
The applicable
stereokänsligheten is stated to 38 mV with 75 ohms' unbalanced aerial signal.
This worth — that however intends 50 dB S/N. does not place Kenwood in the good
part of tunerbeståndet. The exists receivers with far high stereokänslighet,
approximately 12—13 mV and good, for a reasonable high S/N. we had at our tests
a not too long distance to Nackasändarens masts, and with a common
centralantenninstallation in in a quite disturbance fulfilled and electrical
saturated town environment in Stockholm's downtown might we a good. noise free
office hour with an indicated. full signal strength on “'the meter”. Such will
one however not blind trust. special not about the is question about the very
the simple type's instruments. The can sensible “full inspänning”. then the real
is question about almost zero. Kenwoods seems to consult to the category clearly
good than the average with sansade rashes. — during all normal conditions is
enough tunerns känslighet well to.
Some snedavstämring
against the rash on the detector indicator. “tuning” (the zero review) in the
middle situation not needed be done for subjective goodliest office hour and
lowliest distorsion respective centrering of the correct mottagarfrekvensen. The
is otherwise almost rule, special at a part receiverapparatur. that one must
lopsided set tuningnålen little in order to the reflexionsfria the signal from
the transmitter will “makeacommitmentto” OKAY. Both instruments are big, clear
and pleasant välbelysta.
Avstämningsratten is
quite good and seems reasonableily distinct in your exchange and function.
Ratt-typen is identical with first own, clear is that one intends tunern in a
“packets” L-grejor and hardly bought as independent recipient. Dolby-föreslagen
time constant applicable finesse on tunern
Looks we on fram- och
the backpanels at this strict and right angle slanted lägmodularen. finds we
indicators for stereomottagning respective m/w-filtret, as got a button next to,
plus a stereo/monoomkopplare, a brusspärr for quiet avsökning (“mu-ting”) and.
as now seems to become standard pä Japan's most lavish receivers, a selector for
mf-filterbandbredden: normal/spreads and narrow. This is. as been investigated a
lot of in the previous, a little TV encouraged thing. which been shown with a
pair other topprankade konstruktioner as examples. The thought and the desired
properties show up not at all in that extent that konstruktörerna believed,
because mf-filtren is not trimbara in itself, among other thing. And abruptly
about against what as be intended increases distorsionen undergoing in the broad
situation for stereo, despite dg obeskurna the side bands.
For Kenwoods part might
we not forward some lyssningsmässigt directly significant differences between
the situations, although smalbandskarakteristiken let goodliest. Mätdata shows
also clearlily, that the meager exists needs of the double band the sympathy in
mf-delen with our relations. The is a finesse that should be reserved longlily
bad relations, and the should then function goodly than the does in today's
tuners. That is some one should utröna during quite sa individual conditions
than the prevailing.
However has Kenwood 7T
that oddity — at least was consulted the with provexet — that the signal
considerable was muffled during a full measurable period at the changing overs,
before full signal strength comes again. Tunern is blocked therefore momentarily
between the stations with the aid of a reed-relä. On this way, one can effective
eliminate chock noises.
The the whole is however
some meager disadvantage: A Swedish consumer willed probably surely entire clear
to let the recipient to remain suspended in ettdera the situation after some
introductory, simple tests against the local transmitter.
What tunern further
proves to have that a high applicable finesse should make happy them that
intends to record on tape a lot of acrimonious the: Baktill sits bolting
corporal punishment for eligible tidkonstanter: Alltefter requirements can one
in this S-märkta Europaversionen the few part's standard's 50 MS's mist edge
increase or “stem emphasis '”, part's rearrange for 25 MS korrektion for
connection of noise reduction electronics type Dolby. (the is from the start
also a proposal from Dr. Ray Dolby about introducing 25 MS that RT informed
about earlier.) this is a ytterligt seldom occurring finesse — on straight arm
can we only to remember an of Technics big cartridge decks as got this detail in
these current price ranges.
An anna delicate thing,
and a that then is considerablily common, is the double ends for
oscilloskopan-slutning baktill, over which one can few out mf - signalen direct
for control of different conditions, among other thing löptiderna.
filterkarakteristik with the new surface balance the filters
On proves to have this
välgjorda and smooth operational recipient a radical new solution, lets to last
an as long been approaching and a that also makes one's debut now in competitor
a make: Acoustic surface balance filters in mf-delen, a type's close mechanical
filters, as on 1970-talet attracted both European and Japanese researchers. In
Europe, one has at t ex Plessey in England and Philips in Holland studied
surface balance these concepts, and developed versions can is waited.
A big stumbling block at
the production of FM-mot-tagare of high and specified quality is mf - the filter
part. as concurrent must give the properties high horror cleanness respective
precipitous moderation for signal outside the passport band and good
With the costly and the
special crystal filters can one reach good flankbranthet but fasvridningen
becomes as a rule quite big.
The ceramic filters, in
särklass common in Japanese konstruktioner, is good in that respect, but the is
not neither trimbara and flankbrantheten not in particular dominant.
The strainer both types
must be compensated with some mould of LC-länk in order to undertryckningen of
signals outside the passport band will become high enough. With a sufficient big
number LC-länkar can one. theoretical, few forward a good filter. The
disadvantage with the procedure is that the becomes tricky to have a turnover of
to series production relations: Intrimningen becomes tidkrä-vande, complicated
and expensive. Both the. legendariska Marantz 19 B and 20 and late Sequer-ras
tuners became one forced that trimma in with computer assistances, since the
attitudes became so many. (Marantz-modellerna had LC-nät. Se-querran a 18-poligt
The problems with the
filters may now a new and more production tailored solution with the surface
balance filter. The is produced namely directlily for certain passport a band,
and in the production has one control over the filter's transfer function — the
requires therefore no external intrimning. dä that part lies in the request the
actual process.
Ytvågsfilter can be done
the practical while for which frekvens- och horror aisle man wants to. The
technology permits request for optimum data also in the most uppdrivna series
production. Due to the problem proposing that adaptation seems the to last the
ideal filter for fabrikanter of FM-delar. Safe comes we during the near years to
find the concept in long several than the from JVC and Kenwood that now makes
one's debut.
Tjockfilmtekniken can
be used for news
What characterizes then
these structures, in which an acoustic road to be brought forth?
The filters are edified
on a piezoelektrisk. metal ice row crystal structure with electrodes anbragta
according to a certain enlistment. Sees/ig.
Teknologiskt considered
compares the request process the as is used at the monolitiska respective tunn-
och the mist film technology. in the that one in vacuum fits ultratunna metal
stratum on a ceramic substrat. The meets therefore no obstacles that one uses
today's production tool wide production of surface wave filters.
In Europe produced
already Plessey therefore such. Using those aces among other thing in TV
recipients, where the replaced normal, complicated LC-nät.
An entire row good
properties as high separation, good linearitet and fasjämnhet can be derived to
mf-filtren. For Kenwood is stated a kanalseparation about between 50 and 32 dB
between 50 and Hz and 10 kilohertz, which of course kind replies against what
both records and pick uper holds at radio provided mu whitefish. S/N is stated
to 75 dB in stereo, a good value in the upper class.
The high sound
quality net why not a “civilian” variant?
The signal goes in
stableily and remains earning fullily unaffected of all those thousand enraged
disturbances one can to find in an operated and tättbefolkad town smirks jö with
many reflexer: electric engines and hoists, stimulus disturbances from car
engines and tvåtaktare, miscellaneous magnet field ETC. The sound is fritt
acrimonious impact. The lets clearlily, natural and pleasant clean — an of us
can for that judgment to draw good of its detailed awareness about Swedish
Broadcasting Corporation:s production sounds and fi-deliteten in those stages.
No carrying objections
exist more or less against Kenwoods L-serietuner — not other than that the
enough should “be dressed of” and is given a little civilian suit in order to
tillmötesgå the interested, which can intend themselves to purchase the. but
only the, and therefore wants to have a neutral look on höljet. Now, the
recipient is shaped on la tripod assembled monitor recipient and is military
grey green. Certain is this also statues: Reverse imponatorkaraktär… but long
from all wants to however to have the so.
The as in which property
that entire pc wants to to this interesting FM-delen may pay with approximately
3 800 sek. which we think is a non unreasonable price for a both mechanically
particularly stable and electrical clear välgjord receivers, which t ex seems
solidly done than earlier checked Accuphase in a part respects. Kenwooden is
more enclosed and has little thick plate profiles ETC than a part competitors.
Perhaps done for “field customs” — but enough should one let the to pick quarrel.
? Compared with Kenwood 600T measures the poor but lets goodly, thinks we.