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 Chooses correct   microphone!

The microphone, the small taking used to as, can upset  the big lasset.

The microphone is a link between artist and electronics. An inappropriate microphone, or incorrect location, destroys in other respect good conditions.

The way that the used microphone decides the outcome.

That way on which microphone is used has a settlement leverage on the outcome. For goodliest possible results is requested the both an appropriate microphone and a correctly managing of this.

Appropriate microphones.

The development within the area microphone technology has gone against an increased degree of specialization. AKG has since 50-talet carried out your research and development in consultation with a row prominent musician and sound engineer stem that already from the start few optimum adaptation between artist/instruments and electronics.

AKG has produced a special developed product for each purpose that requires a microphone. For most purposes, the an alternative exists, both for the proffessionella the users and for the as wants to have a cheap alternatives.

Use of microphones.

Due to the unique cooperation ' with the end members has AKG big experience of practical microphone technology. Those recommendations that are found on this side, both as regard choices of microphone and its location, bases himself on the overall experiences from about a hundred's musicians and sound technologies from the whole world.

N.B.: here, some thread loose does not exist… this will be seen as a small help for the as searchs on the second-hand market

C414      C451     D222     D125     C567

D222     D1200    D310    D320    D330

C414        C451       C567         D222       D125

C535      D310    D320    D330     D1200


C567        D310      D320      D330

C567       D125

C535       C567       D310       D320       D330

C567     D12      D222        D1200

C567       D310       D320       D330     D1200

D12          D125          D1200

D12            D125            D222          D224          D1200


D12            D125            D222              D1200




C535      D12            D125            D222          D224     D320      D1200

D125          D310


D125          D310


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