
1, 2, 3, 4
November… has the snow come still? Vinterhjulen
on? … perhaps clean of begun plan Christmas presents…?
This month will we extend vyerna over Euphoniaklassiker winger
registers a stage! The is discussed of course with even intervals
the last engineers as regards productions, the musical mediums, CD,
SACD, DVD-A, DSD and all what the now is called… also on this areas
exists the of course klassiker! Euphonia consists off hugely
proficient members, sows this comes doubtless to become instructive
and kul, for now acts the actually about våran hobby's early years!
Alone has I not so a lot of old know-how about this, but the has
t.ex everyone's våran Eliot, sows he comes to invite us on a
glorious travel through old production technologies!
We begin our November thread with Thomas Edisons invention… hmmm…
Edison… the year each 1877 and fonografen was given birth to! The
did not dwell however long before the was visible in Sweden. Already
the year after the lance ring so stem was shown this home off
engineer A O Leffler. Hmmm, can the have some link to Lefflers?

This first version of fonografen grave row on stanniolfolie and was
run entirely manually, sows the applied to beonthepointof even rate
the cranks the wide production, and since ensuring to hold same rate
at uppspelningen.
The had been fun to last with, the experience must have been
fantastic, approximately as the first photo or the movable film.
Interesting K-man.
For reached years since found I a Japanese site that sells a
hobby-edison-fonograf… (unfortunately is sajten on Japanese.)
For the as is hugad sees the out as below.

3,675 Yen.
The has also an a hemma-berliner-fonograf as graverar and plays on

4,095 Yen…
The pictures show the technology behind quite good. (unfortunately
becomes the pictures cut when I lodge the so you sheep to go to
sjaten and to check, ie. clicks the pictures.)

The very the first experiments to store sounds used purely
mechanical means for storage and reproduktion. The sound was aligned
in a big horn, that in its narrow bottom where the formal
association with a grave era stylus. The first practical machine was
invented 1877 of Thomas's Alva Edison (1847-1931). Edisons
“fonograf” used metal cylinder with stanniolfolie as sound wearers
and had a meagre use in addition to demonstrating sound production
and sound depiction.
Edison demonstrated your new invention at Scientific American in New
york and in the edition December 22, 1877, stands the to read:
Mr. Thomas A. Edison recently came occupying H
ice office, placed a little machine on our desk, trip down a
crank, wild duck the machine inquired carcasses to our having
alder H, ash curse how we equal curse the phonograph, informed us
that it was very well, wild duck bid us a cordial good night.
. the Poliak player, an optomechanical universal
player traveled discs wild duck cylinder's alike,
working with lita rally any turntable, wild duck using LASER
light. |
Has somewhere weakly in the back of the head that
an of the first productions where
Mary had a little lamb
My memory each probably fairly so good despite
Take now and follows the link and to listen since
“such a willed I will have”
I also
If you have possibility when you are in
southeastern skåne thinks I that you will try to take your to
Frasses musical museum in Simrishamn

Hundraårigt sounds
Down in a cellar to an illusion in Simrishamn exists an odd museum.
There exists mass sensible with speldosor and fonografer from a
passed time and most of it functions still.
Only Edisonmuseet in N J has a bigger concentration fonografrullar
than the family Fransson, that also has become uppmärksammede in
British and American television.
At an uppspelning of a Swede sångare from 1898 (the black funnel on
the picture) could one establish that the sound actual where a lot
of good.
Frasses Musikmuseum, tel. 0414-145 20 Peder Mörcks road 5. Open 1/6
-31/8 sön 14-17. July mån-ons 14-17.
Other time after ök.
Fantastic with initiatives type Frasses musical
museum. Driving spirits are needed!
Which history outing the becomes of this thread…
Frasses musical museum in Simrishamn wants to I enough very gladly
to visit.
“Frasses musical museum in Simrishamn wants to I
enough very gladly to visit. ”
Does the bravo the is an experience permanent the is long since I
where there alone.
Will be compensated round Christma hopefully
Glorious, glorious eliot!!
\ \ K-man
This was a genial thread, comes to intend on that
I have a part stone cookies but unfortunately no grammofon to play
the on.
The is of course actually easy to forget away historien and the
background in pursuit on all news and “fantastic” improvements. A
återblick can enough give possibility to consciousness and balance.
Interesting and good thread
The technology is captivating but what each the pursues musical as
the pinched in on these 2-4 minutes
Here, link is to the first as been played in
T.A.Edison himself
Many poplåtar lies between 2 and 4 minutes, t.ex
is Norah Jones, kits ' t know why 3.05 my. Looks one on the whole CD
' n so meets 12 of the 14 on CD ' n Come Away With Me the
requirement and the remaining lie just outside…
- the alternative each of course no music at all
I believe that the could to
(patriotisk-) march music off John Philip Souza (1854-1932) that
each a lot of popular on that time

I have a part really old stone cookies
When I come home from the job can I to search up some and skanna in
I found this:
1889 - The Columbia Phonograph co was organized
January 15 village Edward D. Easton with rights to market a
treadle-powered graphophone; however, Easton would have more
success selling music rather than business machines, especially
cylinder's of the popular United State marine bands during John
Philip Sousa. |
Patriotismen feels familiarly!
So here, the record labels could see out on that

This exet is pressed only on uniting the side
The mission of the Library of Congress ice's
taking husband its resources available wild duck useful to
Congress wild duck the American people wild duck to murmur taking
in wild duck preserve a universal collection of knowledge wild
duck creativity traveled future generation's. The goal of the
Library ' s National digital Library programmes ice's taking
victims broad public access to a wide range of historical wild
duck cultural documents carcasses a contribution to education wild
duck lifelong learning.
The Library of Congress present's H see documents carcasses' party
of the record of the past. These primary historical documents
reflect the attitudes, perspectives, wild duck beliefs of
different times. The Library of Congress does note endorse the
views express curse in H see collections, which may co taking in
materials' offensive to some readers. |
Who each now denne Emile Berliner?
Emil Berliner (1851-1929) was given birth to in Hannover Germany
as fourth child in a child rich judisk family with 13 children of
which 11 achieved adult age. The father each merchant and Emil got
already wide 14 years' age the finished school and to help to with
the maintenance of the big family. He had during a time different
jobs and shown then samples on big technical aptitude then he bl.a
designed a fabric stool.
At this time had Hannover been taken over off militant Preussare in
Bismarks endeavor to unite Germany during Preussens management. Now,
the climate became all more difficult for Jews and when Emil risked
to become inkallad in wars so decided he to go to America. As 19
year old, he arrived 1870 to amerika where he worked as business
assistant in Washington, D.C. Then he had an osläckbar new coffee
unit and thirst after knowledge decided he itself in order to depart
to New york and changed in same veva the first name to the more
anglosaxiga Emile. He worked there at Dr.
Fahlberg (as detected sackarin) while he studied at Cooper the
institute (now Cooper union). 1876 returned he to Washington,
At this time each Bell's telephone on all lips and Emile Berliner
decided itself in order to do own surveys. A problem with Bell's
telephone each that shipped and receivers were located together
which done that one each forced to quickly to alternate from mouth
to ear and reverse. Moreover each man forced to speak a lot of high
in order to become understood and longer distances not functioned.
One knew already that motståndet between a metal point and carbon
stratum depends on the pressure. This led in April 1877 to the
invention of the carbon microphone of Emile Berliner. Smaller even a
month after the that he a created operational microphone so solved
he next big problems: the fast avtagandet of the electrical amperage
with the distance. Through including an induction bobbin
(transformer) to the transmitter passed on the telephone from
lasting a kuriosa to a functional instrument.
… H ice was H lowering pcs time that any
induction coil or crane shapes was ever used with undulatory,
continuous currents. This usage became the prototype of all
subsequent crane shapes' used village the million in power
station's, electric light flat, wild duck today, in radio.
He got now employment at Bell Telephone Company (latter AT&T) that
he sold the rights to. The was first now as the could mass producing
He became afterwards called to Boston (Massachusetts) and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The each there as Emile
Berliner 1887 invented grammofonen….
This the history lesson must we take copyright on…
Clear interestingly, one learns entirely clear.
Thanks for the education!
… H sounds quality was so dubious that a small
rectagular paper label imprinted with the actual words was glued
taking H reverse. |
Grammofonen was improved permanentlely and in
beginning on 1896 gave Berliner in commissions to Eldridge Johnson
to develop an improved spring engine for the improved grammofonen
that is portrayed in an article in Scientific American May 16, 1896.
August 10 same year ordered Emile Berliner 200 such grammofoner of
Johnson to a net pinch off $4 each.
His choices of Eldridge Johnson as underleverantör showed itself few
långtgående consequences. Within only some years willed denne take
over the production of grammofoner during your own trademark Victor
Talking Machine co concurrent as Berliner alone willed not be
involved more

The is a lot of thief and rackarspel
1895 had Berliner had got your patent accepted
that described a grammofon with a
. reproducing stylus shaped traveled engagement
with [the grooves of] said record wild duck free taking to ask
vibrated wild duck bill electricity suffered village the same. |
Reads the man text on the ad so stands the:
The public gene rally ice warned against all
attempts to revive or sell the abandoned Gram-
o-phone, which is had been enjoined village the U.S.
Circuit Court. The Zon-o-phone ice the only
legitimate talking machine using disc records,
wild duck our machines wild duck records are protected village
the allied patents' of the four great talking machine
….the draws together itself

Frontalangrepp willed I will cold the
Fantastic interestingly reading Eliot
And which job you have lagt down on this
The National Gramophone Company will now sell
Zon-o-phone Gramophones wild duck Disc Records. The Zon-o-phone
ice a replacement traveled the Berliner Gramophone wild duck
Zon-o-phone records are a replacement traveled Berliner Gramophone
Records. |
Seaman recognized afterwards publicly that Berliner trespassed on
patents as Columbia had. Columbia indicted Berliner for the trespass
and helpless just right enough Seamans universal Talking Machines
and their Zon-o-phone from the prosecution. This treason forced
Berliner Company to complete the production since the not each
allowable to sell those products that Emile Berliner once developed.
The company each died already 1900.
The original picture of Francis Barraud (1898) had
the title
Died looking at wild duck listening to a Phonograph
but became since omdöpt to His masts ' s Voice

The dog and fonografen was facing up on an equal chest and the dog
listened probably to its deceased house to be seen vote.
Barraud failed with selling the painting to a fonograf companies but
1899 bought the Gramophone Company the painting with pålagan that
Barraud willed change about the painting so that a that imagined
terrier that listens on a grammofon. The Gramophone Company used the
picture the first time years 1900. After wishes from grammofonens
inventor Emile Berliner so might the Victor Talking Machine Company
the American rights to the picture.
Victor the used picture more than your partner in england and as
from 1902 existed a simplified drawing of the dog and grammofonen on
each record label. Tidningsreklam urged record consumer “Look
travelled H died”.
As said, thief and rackarspel is no new, and the did not go lugnare
to before.
We thank for this lesson in human behaviour and morals.
We will now look on the heritage after Emile

gramofonskiva from 1897 with George W. Johnson (1855? - 1914)
Berliner the based 1895 company Berliner Gramophone Company in
Philadelphia. 1897 is based his English collaborative partner The
Gramophone Company Ltd in London of Willam Barry Owen and in
December 1898 bases he along with your brother Joseph Deutsche
Grammophon Gesellschaft in Hannover. There, he built the first
factory uniting comes for the production of records.
The Gramophone Company Ltd uses the 1898 trademark “Recording
bait” on your record labels. 1900 registers the man trademark “His
masts ' s Voice” and 1909 so turns up the dog record labels for HMV.
Since Owen 1900 gets the production rights to Lambert typewriters so
changes carried out names to The Gramophone&Typewriter Ltd - but
already 1907 changes one back to The Gramophone Company Ltd. 1931
hits one itself together with Columbia Graphophone Company Ltd and
forms Electric&Musical Industries Ltd (European Monetary Institute).
When Berliner Gramophone Company had to disappeared from amerika so
collaborated the Gramophone Company Ltd instead with Victor Talking
Machine company as man of course can say took over the heritage
after Berliner.
When Berliner might not produce your products in amerika so moved he
carried out years 1900 to Montreal, Canada. Montreal was chosen
probably for the each good stamina conjunction to Philadelphia where
the company lay earlier. Between 1904 and 1906 produces the Berliner
Gramophone Company several different types of grammofoner at
Montreal the factory - but the big businesses may rooms in USA there
other kapitaliserade on Berliners inventions.
1924 was bought the Berliner Gramophone company up of Victor Talking
Machine as 1929 went together with RCA and formed RCA Victor.
Here comes then a record from around 1912-13 (my
according to father) that is Swedish though pressed in Germany in
Hanover closer to certain and here is then the well-known dog with

Observe that the stands Gramophone concert record on the record and
not His masts' Voice

